Let the adventures begin

Hello all and welcome.

I have created this space to document my journeys of scuba diving. Currently I’m counting down the days until I head off to a once in a life time location; Truk Lagoon.

Chuuk Lagoon, also known as Truk Lagoon, is a sheltered body of water in the central Pacific. About 1800 km north-east of New Guinea. It is a tiny spot on the map. It is the location of the Japanese WWII Naval Grave site. Think the Japanese version of Pearl Harbour. I’ll be doing 3 days at a resort and 10 days on a “Liveaboard” called the SS Thorfinn.

I’m hoping to be able to update this blog daily. If not, I will write in offline mode and when I return I can post them. My vision for the format is to have a picture captured from my go pro each day. That way I can showcase a highlight of my day. From there I will give an overview of the day and describe my experiences.

At the end I’m hoping to have a cool story to tell with fascinating footage to go along with it. I’ll be posting pictures of the trip when I return and hopefully an edited video to share my journey.


Justin Steele
The Green Ranger

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